Vulnerability Management is a term that describes the various processes, tools, and strategies for identifying, evaluating, treating, and reporting on security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations within an organization's software and systems.
Differences Between a Vulnerability, a Risk, and a Threat:
A vulnerability is a weakness of an asset or group of assets that can be exploited by one or more threats.
A threat is something that can exploit a vulnerability.
A risk is what happens when a threat exploits a vulnerability. It’s the damage that could be caused by the open vulnerability being exploited by a threat.
Vulnerability Management Cycle
Step 1. Assess
Step 2. Prioritize
Step 3. Act
Step 4. Reassess
Step 5. Improve
Vulnerability management benefits
Improved security and control
Visibility and reporting
Operational efficiencies
To know more about vulnerability management, please feel free to contact us at info@treetopcloud.com